Sunday, April 15, 2012

My New Sony Cyber Shot!

and I am tired of shopping, movies and hangouts. My all days are hectic at work and weekends are busy at hangout places. I never knew things were that left to explore in my own city. May be same old things look beautiful and new when we are together. 

I got a new sony cyber shot, a small camera to shot the places where we visit together. After my olympus, this is a new and cool one. It's a hot pink camera, to show off everyone that I'm still young. hehe. M and me are quite happy with this new addition in our family, though it's a small one. LOL. I know I know it's minor, I'm jus showing off. *winks*... Anyways ! Signing off with this cool camera, in some days I'll come up with some new shopping, till then I'm exploring this cool gadget. 

My first shot

Monday, April 2, 2012

Happy Birthday to my Baby Boy !

I still remember the day when you were born, I still remember the time how I watched you growing up. I still remember the fights and time we'd together. I love you believe it or not. I love all of you ! 

Happy 20th Birthday  !!!

May you live 1000 more year & make us proud! Loads of Love !