Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fever Fever!!

So this month is horrible here in Lahore .. Dengue Fever is spreading so fast and it's horrible seriously. I was so scared and following all precautions they described in their campaigns but finally I'm caught by fever. It's not Dengue yet .. I mean I don't know exactly but hell Fever .. !! 

So What If I die with it ? OMG !! 


  1. hey dont say like that :( inshahAllah soon u gona b well ok? Dont even think to be die coz* lerkiun ki pehle he kami hai*lolz cheers up and go to the Dr plz :)hey dont say like that :( inshahAllah soon u gona b well ok? Dont even think to be die coz* lerkiun ki pehle he kami hai*lolz cheers up and go to the Dr plz :)

  2. don't say like that.. u won't.
    Get well soon n take the pill son time !!

  3. Dengue is also so common over here, esp when it rains continously, just take all the precaution you can and it will be fine.
